Ukrainian Integration Coordinator

The Society has hired Oksana Moisieieva as our Ukrainian Integration Coordinator on a contract position with a grant generously provided by the provincial Refugee Readiness Team, Vancouver Island (administered through the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria). Additional funding from the Comox Valley Regional District has extended Oksana’s contract to August 31st, 2024.

Oksana can be reached at (778) 992-1257 and by email at


Financial Assistance

The Comox Valley Ukrainian Cultural Society recognizes that new arrivals from Ukraine with a CUAET visa may have the need for financial support which may be unmet by existing provincial and federal programs of support. 

We encourage all newcomers to ensure that they have registered with the Immigrant Welcome Centre in Courtenay ( to first access federal government services and benefits, and then to apply to the Province of British Columbia for financial support and services. (

We also recognize that there may be individuals and families who, although they have registered with the respective government programs, may require financial support for unanticipated and unexpected expenses.   Over the past 2 years, the Society has helped to subsidize medical and dental costs, document translation services, childcare costs, school supplies/clothing, and more.

Завантажити форму екстреної фінансової допомоги

Або заповніть форму онлайн нижче.

Application in English

Application to the Committee Funding Ukrainian Survivors (Comox Valley Ukrainian Cultural Society)

Please complete this form for emergency financial assistance. All information is kept confidential.

Would you be willing and able to provide interpretation/translation support to other arriving Ukrainian families?


До Комітету фінансування українських вижилих ( Українське культурне товариство Comox Valley)

заповніть це форма екстреної матеріальної допомоги. конфіденційна

Чи хотіли б ви надати підтримку з усного та письмового перекладу іншим прибулим українським родинам?